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Wed, May 27, 20.

The Progression of the Revelation of the Kingdom and of the Messiah in Daniel

  1. A stone cut out without human hands crushes the kingdoms of the world and replaces them [Dan 2:34-35,45].
      • Key: The materials represent both king and kingdom [Dan 2:37-39,40-42,44]
    1. The Kingdom of Stone, the Kingdom of God is of Heavenly origin.
    2. Its King is not of human origin
    3. This Kingdom will crush all the kingdoms before it and bring them to an end, but it will itself endure forever. [Dan 2:34-35,44]
  2. One like unto a Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven entering heaven and receiving authority over all the world [Dan 7:13]
      • Key: “One like unto a Son of Man” indicates that he is not a man but only looks like one. [cf., Dan 8:15; 10:16; Eze 1:26; Rev 14:14]
    1. The King of the Last Kingdom, the “One like unto a Son of Man”, is not really human
  3. The little horn opposing the Prince of the Host, the Prince of Princes and being destroyed without human power [Dan 8:10-11,25; 2Th 2:8]
      • Key: The host of heavens, the stars, here are the people of Israel (and not angels) [Gen 15:5; 22:17-18; 26:4-5; 37:9; Exo 6:26; 7:4; 12:41; Jos 5:13-15; Dan 8:24; Rev 12:1-4]
    1. The Prince of the Host that is opposed by the “little horn” is the Prince of Israel,
    2. The Prince of the Host of Israel is the “Prince of Princes” [Dan 8:25],
    3. The temple belongs to the Prince of the Host [Dan 8:11],
    4. The Prince of the Host is not human—the “little horn” opposing him will be destroyed by non-human power [Dan 8:25]
  4. The Anointed One the Prince coming to Jerusalem after 69 sevens and being cut off
    1. The ruler we are expecting is “One like unto a Son of Man”, yet, that he could be cut off means that he was human.
    2. Therefore, this divine person must have become human.
    3. But the fact that he eventually rules the kingdom, as stated in the earlier prophecies [Dan 2:45; 7:13], means that he wouldn’t stay cut-off
  5. Michael is revealed to be the Prince of Israel [Dan 10:21; 12:1]
    1. Since Michael is the Prince of the Host of Israel, Daniel’s people, then Michael is the “Prince of the Host” [Dan 8:11] and “Prince of princes” [Dan 8:25] of the earlier vision of the ram and goat, the One that the little horn of the goat took a stand against [Dan 8:11,25]. This is further confirmed by
      1. Gabriel’s words that the little horn “will be destroyed, but not by human power.”,
      2. Since, indeed, it is for a fact that Michael, the Archangel, the one opposed by the goat’s horn is not human.
    2. Since Michael is the Prince of Israel and the One opposed as King of Israel, then it is understandable why Daniel describes the King of the Kingdom of God who comes into his presence with the clouds of heaven as “One like a Son of Man”
    3. Michael arises, there is great tribulation and the saints are resurrected [Dan 12:1-4]